Natural Anxiety Relief Remedies: An Overview


There are effective treatments for anxiety disorders. Research is ongoing to discover new treatments that can help people with these disorders live productive and fulfilling lives. You should consult a traditional mental healthcare specialist immediately if you suspect you may have an anxiety disorder. There are two options for natural anxiety relief: traditional medicine and natural. Both can be both supportive and healing.

Anxiety is something that everyone experiences in everyday life. It can be caused by anticipating stressful situations. Anxiety disappears once the stressful event has passed. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, there are mental health disorders that can cause anxiety and fear lasting six months or longer. These disorders can last up to six months and can become more severe if they are not treated. About 40% of Americans over 18 years View Full Spectrum CBD Oil cps UK old are affected (roughly 18%). There are therapies that can effectively treat Anxiety Disorders (Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Social Phobia [Social Anxiety Disorder], and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.|Anxiety Disorders can be treated with a variety of therapies, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Panic Disorder), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Obsessive Disorder, Social Phobia [Social Anxiety Disorder] and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.} A person with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is someone who is anxious and worried about every day issues. Stress can lead to anxiety about their health, finances, and future prospects. They may experience difficulty sleeping and develop a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches and muscle tension,muscle aches and difficulty swallowing.

GAD is a condition that affects approximately 6.8 million Americans. This includes twice as many women as men. It can be affected at any age but it is most common between middle-age and adulthood. The causation can also be affected by genes. Professionals usually prescribe anti-anxiety, beta-blockers, and antidepressants as well as cognitive-behavioral therapies. Other anxiety disorders, such as alcoholism and/or substance abuse, can often be accompanied by this condition. Medication is not curative, but it can be used to relieve symptoms. It does not work like natural anxiety relief, which can be combined with other modalities to provide curative effects. It is important to consider other therapies. Natural remedies are better than prescriptions because they can have side effects.

There are many natural remedies for anxiety, some of which we will list below. These natural remedies are extremely popular because so many people have discovered that they work!

Green Tea - L-Theanine, which is the ingredient in green tea that gives anxiety relief, is . It appears to play a role in the formation the inhibitory neurotransmitter Gamma Amino Butyric Acid. GABA causes a relaxation effect by blocking the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine from being released. Tea drinkers often report feeling calm after drinking a cup.

Acupuncture: Chinese Acupuncture considers anxiety disorders to be due to dysfunctions of the body's organs. (Ex: liver, kidneys, spleen). Traditional Chinese medicine holds that Qi is the key to good health. When in good health, the body moves smoothly and in balance through a series of 14 main channels (meridians). We stimulate the body's Qi (energy) by inserting needles in points that belong to different meridians. This helps to initiate the healing process and restore the natural balance. To help balance the mind, patients are encouraged to change their lifestyles and learn meditation. Tai Chi and Yoga are great forms of mind-body exercises that can help with anxiety and depression. These arts, when combined with regular acupuncture treatments, will help to create a foundation for positive change in anxiety patients' lives.

Yoga, Tai Chi - Individuals are taught to clear their energy blockage by stretching, breathing, and energy training. These blockages can be opened by combining energy healing and acupressure. This will allow one to restore natural energy balance and achieve natural mental and physical health.

Aromatherapy (based primarily on traditional uses and anecdotal evidence, and not scientific studies)


  1. The way you feel is influenced by the scents of lavender, orange blossom, rose and chamomile, as well as other floral fragrances.
  2. You can get rid of the stress-induced symptoms with the help of nutmeg, sandalwood, and lavender.
  3. Bergamot (Citrus Aurantium): Helps with anger, anxiety frustration, sadness
  4. Cardamom (Elettaria caramomum),: It is an herb that can be used to soothe apathy, emotional exhaustion and emotional tension.
  5. Cedarwood, Atlas (Cedrus atlantica: This herb relieves anxiety, anger and fear.
  6. Chamomile, German (Matricaria Recutica): This helps to relieve frustration, emotional over-stimulation and stress.
  7. Chamomile, Roman (Chamaemelum nobile). It calms anger, grief and irritability.
  8. Clary Sage (Salvia Sclarea): This is a treatment to fear, sadness and worry. It also acts as a sedative, tonic, and a treatment for anxiety.
  9. Frankincense (Boswellia carti): This oil is used to treat emotional exhaustion, grief and stress.
  10. Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens),: This helps to resolve anger, anxiety and moody tendencies.
  11. Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi). It's a balm to anxiety, emotional exhaustion and frustration.
  12. Helichrysum (Helichrysum Agustifolium),: This herb helps to calm emotions such as grief, sadness, over-stimulation, and stress.
  13. Jasmine (Jasminumofficinale: It is a natural remedy for anxiety, guilt, listlessness and sadness.
  14. Neroli (Citrus Aurantium bigaradia: It reduces anxiety, emotional overstimulation, grief and impatience.
  15. Lavendula augustifolia (Lavendula augustifolia:) is the best for relaxation. It can be used as a sedative or tonic. It reduces anxiety, sadness, stress and worry. It can also help you relax and ease aches and pains such as headaches. For sudden stress relief, sprinkle four drops of the oil on a piece of tissue. Handkerchiefs scented with rose or lavender water were carried by our ancestors.
  16. Patchouli oil (Pogostemon Cablin) is said to reduce anxiety and improve mood. ).
  17. Peppermint (Menthapiperita): It relieves anxiety, sadness and stress Rose (Rosa Damascena).: It helps with anger, bitterness emotional exhaustion, sadness Sandalwood (Santalum Album): It calms anxiety, irritability sadness, stress Spikenard, Nardostachys Jatamansi: It's useful in conditions of anxiety, emotional overload, stress
  18. Ylang-ylang can be used as a tonic, regulator, sedative and euphoric. It should be used in moderation. Some people may experience headaches. It can calm anxiety, emotional exhaustion and frustration, guilt, shame, impatience and sadness, as well as stress. The best ways to use essential oils to relax your mind and calm the body are massage, baths and vaporization. They can be used in combination or as a single oil.


Breathing Techniques - (such a diaphragmatic/abdominal breathing and conscious breathing, standing exercise and an alternate nostril breathing method)

Meditation and Relaxation

Herbal Remedies (not based upon scientific, but common use and anecdotal evidence)


  1. Catnip Tea is soothing and relieves anxiety.
  2. Fennel Tea relieves gastrointestinal upset.
  3. Kava Tincture and capsules can help reduce anxiety. Hops have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.
  4. Motherwort Tincture can help stabilize emotions and has a calming effect.
  5. Passion Flower: To promote calm and relaxation, it can be used in teas or tinctures.
  6. Skullcap Tincture and capsules can be used to relax, nourish and induce sleep.
  7. St. John's Wort tincture can help restore emotional stability and alleviate depression.
  8. Valerian Tincture and capsules can help you sleep.


Acupressure The therapist will determine if there are any energy blockages in the body during an acupressure session. Blockages can be caused by emotions, poor postures, or other toxins. Many people complain of inflexibility around the hamstring and calves. Many people complain that their energy channels or urinary meridian are blocked.

These natural, non-prescription remedies can provide natural anxiety relief that may also help with general anxiety. It is safe, non-toxic, and can be healing for your body. These techniques can help you relax and keep your mind and body happy. We wish you healing and a life free from anxiety.



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